martes, 23 de julio de 2013

El infierno de los trabajadores textiles en Camboya Es una de las mayores industrias de Camboya, pero sus trabajadores viven en condiciones miserables. Llegan de las provincias a la capital y se asientan en diminutos apartamentos en concurridos edificios. Cuatro o más personas pueden llegar a compartir una habitación de 3X3 metros, que cuesta unos 35 dólares al mes, y tiene apenas una luz y un ventilador. La industria textil se ha convertido por mucho en la mayor fuente de ingresos por exportaciones del país, con envíos de hasta el 10 por ciento en el 2012 con un valor de más de 4.000 millones de dólares. Con el aumento de las inversiones también se ha incrementado el malestar entre la fuerza laboral, que presiona a los proveedores de las marcas de ropa más grandes del mundo para aumentar los salarios y mejorar las condiciones en uno de los últimos bastiones de la producción de bajo costo. (Reuters) MOSTRAR MINIATURAS Ver todo 22 de 22 fotos Ant.Siguiente previousA face mask dries as it hangs on a fence at a building where garment workers live in Phnom Penhnext previousA woman holds her child as they lie on the floor, underneath dresses for sale at a market outside one of the industrial zones where factories are based in a suburb of Phnom Penhnext previousA vendor stands in her stall, which sells beauty products, at a market outside one of the industrial zones where factories are based in a suburb of Phnom Penhnext previousA man stands at the doorway of a room inside a building where garment workers live in Phnom Penhnext previousGarment workers shop at a food market outside one of the industrial zones where factories are based in a suburb of Phnom Penhnext previousA pair of slippers are left outside a room at a building where garment workers live in a suburb of Phnom Penhnext previousGarment workers sit on the floor of their apartment during a lunch break in a suburb of Phnom Penhnext previousGarment worker Maen Sopeak, 24, smiles during a lunch break in a suburb of Phnom Penhnext previousA garment worker swings her sleeping child in a hammock in a suburb of Phnom Penhnext previousRan Oeun Chany, her husband Sim Sarath and friend Kim Heang sit in a room at an apartment building in a suburb of Phnom Penhnext previousGarment worker Om Srey Soth sits under mosquito net in her room in the village of Trapeng Weng, outside Phnom Penhnext previousGarment workers cast shadows on a wall as they arrive for work at a factory in a suburb of Phnom Penhnext previousGarment workers from Sabrina (Cambodia) Garment Manufacturing Corp factory hold pictures of their arrested comrades as they discuss the next steps in their strike in Phnom Penhnext previousUnemployed women wait for information about possible jobs as garment workers outside an industrial zone where factories are based in a suburb of Phnom Penh

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